On any stage if you need any help, just comment below we will give you fast replay and solve your problem. The Free Gaussian Wave Packet model simulates the time evolution of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet in position and k (momentum) space.
Now you have a full working and tested Gaussian 09W 9.5 Revision D.01, Tested by our team. Gaussian 09W 9.5 Revision D.01 Free Download: The Free Gaussian Wave Packet model simulates the time evolution of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet in position and k (momentum) space.

Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (圆4).Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup.Gaussian 09W 9.5 Revision D.01 Setup Detail:

The Chinese translation of Exploring Chemistry 3 is now available for order. Got support for NVIDIA k40 and K80 GPUs over the Linux programs and for HF and DFT calculations. Gaussian 16 is now supported on OpenEye’s Orion molecular design platform, enabling automated scientific workflows to facilitate more rapid and comprehensive quantum chemistry calculations.Got resources for interfacing Gaussian using all the outside programs from the compiled languages such as Fortran and C or from translated languages like Python and Perl. Answer (1 of 3): The most popular alternative is GAMESS (US) which has most of the functionality of Gaussian (ab initio quantum chemistry, density functional theory,CI,MP calculations, transition state calculations,solvent effects and IR and NMR calculations).Got improved parallel performance on larger number of chips and in addition, it increases the critical pieces of many calculation forms.Brings an extremely vast array of new techniques, property forecasts as well as performance enhancements.An extremely handy application that will give you new methods as well as capacities which allows you to research larger molecular methods in addition to additional areas of chemistry.Features of Gaussian 09W 9.5 Revision D.01: